Table of Contents

New mailserver: client settings

This is for server, which hosts email for most customer's domains, but not all. Use these settings if Riv WE staff asked you to use them.

How to add the new email in your app

You need to find how to add a new account in your email app. Some apps have this in their own screens: Apple devices often do this in a separate Preferences app. Follow its steps to add the new account.

With some apps there is automatic configuration. If not, you'll be asked to enter the email account settings manually and you'll need most of these:

IMAP/POP/SMTP login/username: Same as email address. Lower case

Password: as supplied in your “Account Ready” message

SMTP does require login

Both incoming and outgoing require SSL or TLS encryption.


The webmail allows you to see your mail using only a web browser. You can use it from anyone's computer. It's best for temporary use. We have two webmails: most people prefer the first one:

Users' control panel

This allows anyone with an email address/password to change their password, mail forwarding and autoresponder.

About this server

This server started work in April 2015. It has IMAP, roaming SMTP and postfixadmin for admins to add/change addresses, mailboxes, aliases, passwords, forwarding, auto-responses.